Gambian Independence Day und Infos zu §104 Aufenthaltsgesetz
GK Partners and the MSDG Project in partnership with the
Gambia Refugee Association (GRA) invite you
Gambia Independence Day Consultation in Nürtingen (Germany)
Discussions will focus on:
Options for Residence Status Regularisation in Germany
Options for Remittances and Investment in The Gambia
Formal Welcome and Presentation of the Agenda
Development of the Gambia Refugee Association (GRA) and the MSDG Project
Technical and Project Partnership between GRA and MSDG
Current Options for Residence Status Regulation in Germany:
Criteria and Practicalities under Paragraph 104 C of the Residence Permit
Gambia Remittances and Investment: Status, Challenges and Opportunities
Questions, Answers and Discussions on Remittances and Diaspora Financial Planning
Food, Drinks and Networking